Break the mold and carve out a life that suits you
with Maurice Philogene
What if you could actually live your dream life - one you didn't need a vacation from?

You got yourself stuck in the rat race.
"When you TRY LIFE ON, you give yourself the opportunity to carve out career or build business that supports your life blueprint - your version of accessing life and planet as intended. Stop defaulting to status quo just because others do it.”
A 12-week live coaching program designed to:
- Help you understand how to achieve freedom of time, finances, geography, purpose, and relationships.
- Give you the tools to identify your deepest life and business values and secure them.
- Hand you the skills to travel, work, execute on your purpose and play, leveraging the rat race more than it leverages you.
So you build lifestyle you don’t need vacation from.
You can’t keep shaping your life to fit someone else’s values; you need to UNLEARN what school and society have taught you is the only “normal” trajectory in life, and find what best fits YOU instead of forcing yourself to fit the mold.
Too many people wake up one day and realize they’ve been sleepwalking through life, never asking themselves “how can I design and build my life”?
Travel more, earn more, live more…whatever you dream about, there is a way to get it done — and Maurice Philogene is taking you there.
What you’ll get:
- 12 weekly LIVE coaching sessions with Maurice & 24 hr access for support
- Access to session recordings
- Private online community for members to interact, ask questions, and share their own knowledge and experiences
- Tools, apps, and methods to help execute in each category of your goals
Break the cycle and learn to leverage passive or mobile income to develop lifestyle you deserve.
High school, college, job, marriage, mortgage, kids…maybe that’s your dream, and maybe it’s not. If you want to build lifestyle based only what makes YOU fulfilled, be your own architect. With vast changes in technology and work culture in the last two years, now is the time to do what you want on your own terms.

You’ll walk away from this program with:
- Specific and actionable goals to bring you into the lifestyle you desire
- A blueprint and understanding of the foundational principles to build your dream life::
- A fully customized action plan to take you from where you are to where you want to be
- Motivation and accountability strategies to always keep you moving forward
- Direct access to Maurice via set strategy calls; day to day 24 hr support to execute
Dreaming is not a waste of time and passions do not belong in the back seat.
Let go of the fears and start trying on what works for you, and you’ll start seeing the extraordinary things you dreamed of become part of your everyday life.
Your work, your relationships, the travels and adventures you’ve been dreaming of… there is room for everything when you’re willing to Try Life On.
I'm Maurice Philogene
Maurice Philogene is a real estate entrepreneur, coach, and philanthropist who teaches like-minded professionals how to Try Life On more.
Case in point:
As a means to Try Life On more, Maurice maintained 4 parallel careers for two decades.

He was a 25-year Senior Executive for global management consulting firm Accenture, a 22 year Special Agent (Lt. Colonel) as part of military service, running field offices for a Federal Law Enforcement agency worldwide, and a 15-year midnight police officer in the DC area as a means to give back to his local community. Not executing on all these passions was unacceptable.
Maurice discovered at an early age that the only way to carve out the life he desired was to give opportunities a shot, have worldwide, diverse experiences, and create wealth that could help his family and others. He quickly learned chasing corporate titles meant nothing to him; ‘LIFE’ and helping people did.
At age 15, he started traveling internationally despite being an inner city kid from Boston. His Dad pushed him to take a 30-day road trip through France which opened his eyes to possibilities of worldwide life, cultures and experiences. He found the power of mobility and geographic freedom.
At age 21 he found real estate reading books at a library. It was a means to create financial and time freedom to have more of those experiences, and ability to be anywhere in the world at any time while working and building business. Immersing in culture is his deep passion.
Today, his 25+ year real estate career in real estate has garnered him complete financial freedom, control of his time, and flexibility in his location. He’s been to 100 countries over 300 times, and owns well over 2100+ single family homes, apartments and mobile home communities across 10 states. He’s also developing property in the Mediterranean region (simply to immerse in local culture as a part of a different business experience - to Try Life On).
Maurice has taught countless professionals and entrepreneurs how to gain the freedom they crave in each facet of their lives and start living a life they won’t need a vacation from. How? By just taking action. By building relationships. The fear of rocking the boat has forced too many people to get stuck in the planning stages of their lives, and miss all of the opportunities to actually live. Without that fear of the unknown or the insecurities of doing things differently, how much would your life change? Where would you live? Who would you be spending your time with? How will it feel to live a life purely built from your own values and ambitions? The only way to know is to try it on.