#13: Parenting With No Limits

newsletter Oct 18, 2023

I can’t travel because I have kids...

I can’t design my life because I have kids...

I can’t start that passion business because I have kids...

I can’t get to that country because my kids are in school...

I can’t live in that other city or country because I have kids...

Well… then you won’t!

You’ve already set yourself up for failure. Kids are not a barrier to Trying Life On.

Lack of imagination and planning are.


I co-parent my 10-year-old, with a firm belief in immersing in culture across the world. We travel a lot together, 13 countries so far. Includes Cyprus, Lebanon, and Greece this past summer.

Kids (or any challenge) are blockers to designed living only if you allow them to be.

Get creative, solve the problem, GO LIVE!!!


Right… this is the most common topic I talk with people about. So many give up on dreams, wants, and desires because kids are stuck in traditional schools.

But let’s be real… the location-independent lifestyle has become way more popular in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which accelerated the trends of remote work and people wanting more life.

MBO Partners 2023 State of Independence research study is a great reading (download). It found that 17.3 million American workers describe themselves as virtual workers, growing 133% from the pre-pandemic year 2019 to 2023. I see this trend across the world. Many want to get mobile and live differently. But one major factor deters many from the lifestyle…

kids schooling.

Don’t let it. I believe in education itself, but traditional models are evolving. Nowadays there are so many non-traditional options. I’ve linked a few articles for you to review and research:

  • Worldschooling - an educational movement that recognizes students can receive no greater education than experiencing and interacting with the world around them.
  • Roadschooling - a combination of curriculum with learning through travel experiences.
  • Homeschooling - parent-directed education from the comfort of your own home.
  • Virtual Schooling - online school entirely or primarily online or through the Internet.
  • Unschooling - home education where student's interests drive the path of learning.
  • International Schooling – traditional education in serving the international community.

There are lots of other issues to take into consideration like social interaction, sports, personal development, mental health, etc... Can’t take these lightly but for now, let’s focus on education modes themselves.

I’m not endorsing any version of learning. I’m endorsing embracing ideas to knock down the blockers to your desired lifestyle.

Here are three examples of Try Life On coaching students with kids and what they are doing to live now, versus waiting until later.


Melissa and her husband moved to Costa Rica several years ago from New England. The kids are high school age, enrolled in virtual schooling, but also leverage the local school for social and sports activities. And because they are together a lot as a family, they travel a ton to other countries leveraging the virtual school platform.

Roger and his wife are ‘practicing’ life in Jamaica. They just arrived from Austin, Texas to Try Life On in a new way. Their kids are pre-school age, so they’re scoping international school options should they decide to remain. Roger virtualized his accounting business, so his family has maximum flexibility to be anywhere.

Joshua is a single dad who wanted to road trip to national parks with his son in the US. He redesigned his life by leaving his office job in favor of a virtual support role requiring a laptop and phone. He presented a solution for the school system of his 8-year-old to support – GIVE ME THE CURRICULUM FOR THREE WEEKS, I WILL TEACH IT TO HIM AND REPORT BACK TO THE SCHOOL TO ENSURE WE MEET STATE REQUIREMENTS. And they agreed!

(Note: A Try Life On Principle is always present solutions to support, not problems to solve. People don’t have time to solve your problems all the time).



To Try Life On, replace ‘If Only’ with ‘What if’. Negotiate your reality.

My son will likely attend an international school for a few weeks next summer when we spend time in Cyprus so we can keep practicing life there. It also connects us to the community.

Whatever your lifestyle goals are, get creative with incorporating kids. No matter what opinions of peers, coworkers, neighbors, or family may have, times are changing. New options for schooling children work well for many families. Don’t be scared. Do your research.


Try Life On.
