#11: Freedom to Build Meaningful Relationships

newsletter Jul 29, 2023

I’m between Cyprus and Lebanon right now focused on business, philanthropy, and life.

I’m Trying Life on, my way.


I develop real estate in Cyprus, a lifestyle choice. So far, my partner and I have sold 12 villas we’re building. The backyard is a mountain range, and the front is an infinity pool with a view of the Mediterranean Sea. We just received our permit to start construction on 90 apartments, our second project. Slowly working my way to being a respected member of the business community, which has been my intention all along.


Working with Winds of Change. Cyprus is a divided island since the 1974 war. Despite political negotiations to reunite the country under a peaceful solution, there’s not enough happening on a community level to promote peace and restore trust. While I’m not Cypriot, I feel this issue daily. I’m in a unique position to help as a financial and advisory contributor and philanthropy is a great way to meaningfully plug into the local community. Folks involved are quickly becoming friends.


I’m Trying Life On in Lebanon. What that means is I’m “practicing” how to live here. First came in Nov 2019 and fell in love with the country, culture, and people. Ironically, I found Cyprus separately in late 2020 and they’re 30 min apart by plane. The two make up my Mediterranean neighborhood.

Why Lebanon? Unless you come here it’s hard to understand. It’s a land of contrast, war and peace, Mediterranean beaches, and snow-capped Cedar Tree mountains. From wine fields in the famous Bekaa Valley to city streets and nightlife in Beirut – Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown TV show introduced me, and someone special to me showed me life here in a way I can’t unsee. It’s home now. It’s beautiful here. The view from my place…

I want to stress something from the examples above – each experience, business venture, or cultural epiphany I’m having is because of meaningful relationships – PEOPLE – that I identified as special and took time to invest in, and them invest in me. I look for and recognize them. They make me better and I want to do the same for them.

There’s no way to accomplish everything above on my own, nor would I want to. Life is better with people you care about and love. PEOPLE enable us to Try Life On more.

Relationships move us forward, faster. And while this can relate to money, I am stressing life-related goals way more.

A key component to Trying Life On…


Intentionally find + invest in them as core activity (NOT networking)

I’ve built a lifestyle I don’t need a vacation from and helped 100+ do the same. There’s a trend…

 When we focus energy across one or more of the ‘Five Freedom’ areas, we tend to be happier, more engaged and plugged into life, planet, and opportunity as intended. They are:

  • Time Freedom
  • Financial Freedom
  • Geographic Freedom
  • Freedom to Execute Your Purpose
  • Freedom to Build Meaningful Relationships

The need and skillset to identify and build Meaningful Relationships cannot be overstated.

In each area noted above (Business, Philanthropy, Life), inroads made into those communities and networks were because when I work, travel, or just live, my goal is not to ‘see things’, it’s to find and build meaningful relationships with unique people.

When you encounter someone potentially impactful to your life, the first thought you should have (a Try Life On Principle) is…

“What’s in it for Them”?

How can you help them with their life? What goals do they have you could impact?

It’s my number one thought when I meet someone, not for the sake of reciprocity, but because it’s a way to build bonds and live/work towards common goals.

I explained this concept to a coaching student recently. It’s a cool story of how I rented the apartment above for a year and made a friend for life. That friendship is leading to more experiences than I can explain.

My definition of Freedom to Build Meaningful Relationships.

Mental and physical wherewithal to choose and cultivate authentic relationships that are most meaningful and PUSH LIFE FORWARD.

Explained in work context…

At the office from 9 am - 9 pm as a default, go to every job-related happy hour, and hang with the same people each day... you're limited to knowledge in those circles.

Results in lost opportunity, and minimal new life experience. You lack "space" to build relationships OUTSIDE your norm.

The biggest reason I could start a real estate development company in the Mediterranean in 18 months, do $220M in real estate in 3 years, act in movies and TV, deep dive culture across 100 countries over 20 years... Relationships.

I appreciate my 25-year IT, military, and Law Enforcement careers.

I appreciate more the relationships intentionally built outside of them because they push life forward today.

Hope this makes sense to you.

Move your life forward, faster, via meaningful relationships.

Try Life On.
